Species encyclopedia

Zebra Shark

Stegostoma fasciatum


This shark, which is easy to recognize with its four lengthwise spurs running along its body, has a tail just as long as its body.

It has a preference for sandy and coral shallows where it can rest on the seabed during the day. It feeds at night, hunting crustaceans and shellfish but also a number of fish and sea snakes.

To breed, this shark lays two to four eggs in a brown sheath measuring 15 to 20 cm long, kept at the bottom of the sea by means of fibrous extensions.

At birth, the young measure roughly 25 cm.

Like many sleeper sharks, it has features that are well suited to life at the bottom of the ocean: presence of barbels, a flattened body, and colouring that provides camouflage while lying in wait for prey.

This shark, also called a 'leopard shark', owes its name to the stripes that it sports while young.



Species encyclopedia

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